About us

Saint Paul´s Cathedral is the first Anglican church built in Chile and is a member of the Corporación Iglesia Episcopal Anglicana de Valparaíso. (Anglican Episcopal Church Corporation). The Corporación was established in Valparaíso in 1875 as a Consular Chaplaincy and has its own jurisdiction. On March 9, 2016, Saint Paul´s Church was declared First Anglican Cathedral of Chile in a ceremony celebrated by Reverend Dr. Héctor Zavala, Primate Bishop of the Anglican Province of South America and Diocesan Bishop for the Anglican Church of Chile, its maximum authority in our country.


Saint Paul´s Cathedral is administered by a Board of Directors, together with the collaborative participation of a representative of the Anglican Church. Its members are:

Angus Shaw
Simon Mackenzie
Gerald Cooper
Lynn Gray
Valerie Wood
Barbara Waring

Restoration Committee

The Restoration Committee is the entity in charge of caring for the maintenance and restoration of the Cathedral´s building. Its members are:

Oenone Davies  R.I.P
Christine Evans 
Michelle Prain 
Mary Walbaum 

Lynn Gray 

Filippa Massa Gray

Jorge Carvajal Copsey R.I.P.

Our Organist Team

Christian Sundt

Italo Olivares

José Saavedra

Blanca Olguín

Círculo de Amigos de Saint Paul

The «Círculo de Amigos de Saint Paul» (Saint Paul´s Circle of Friends) was formed by members of the Anglican Community with the aim to help with, and back up, the efforts of the Restoration Committee.