At the beginning of the XIX century, many foreigners were attracted to the city port of Valparaíso, to put down roots, in what was the principal port in the navigation route by sea from and towards Europe, passing through Cape Horn. In that way, British and German nationals made their home in the Cerro Alegre and Cerro Concepción hills of Valparaíso meeting in each other’s houses and school classrooms to worship and practice their religion. Eventually, they put enough money together to buy a property and therein build a church. This work was entrusted to English engineer William Lloyd Wright.
Registries of the Church show us the names and professions of those who worshiped in that church throughout many years, including captains, merchants, masons, shipbuilders, musicians, piano builders, smiths, candle makers, artists, engineers, all which show us the ample welcoming embrace of Saint Paul´s Church.
The historic importance of Saint Paul´s Church as National Monument lies not only in its architectural transcendence but also as a link to understanding the integration process of British immigrantss and their cultural legacy to our country.
For more information about the history of the British presence in Valparaíso, you may download the following 2007 Bicentennial Publication (written in the Spanish language): British Presence in Valparaíso