
Saint Paul´s Cathedral relies in great measure on the generosity of friends and public in general, to finance the maintenance and restoration of its historic building that dates back to 1858, the  “Queen Victoria Memorial Organ”, that dates back to 1903, and the stained glass windows which were donated through time by parishioners from the congregation. Its good conservation will allow this World Heritage and National Historic Monument for Valparaiso to be kept open to use and to be visited as well, by the community and public in general.

Invitation: If you wish to donate to this cause you are invited to do so at the following account:

Bank: CRÉDITO E INVERSIONES, Sucursal Libertad, Viña del Mar
Checking Account (Cuenta Corriente): number 88815668
Identification of the owner (Rut Titular):   71.457.100-1
SWIFT Address (for transfers from abroad):  CREDCLRM


Another way to contribute is to order a funeral wreath to honour the memory of a cherished person, and the donation will also help towards the conservation of this National Monument.

Contact at

Saint Paul´s Church Circle of Friends (“Circulo de Amigos de Saint Paul´s Church”)

Some years ago, a group of members from the Anglican Community formed the“Círculo de Amigos de St. Paul´s Church”, contributing annually toward a fund for restoration of the structure and the stained glass windows of the Church. This allows for the continuation of the weekly recitals of  “Música en las Alturas”, amongst other activities, and open to all interested.

Invitation: If you wish to join the  “Círculo de Amigos de St. Paul´s Church” please contact us, for more information, at the following email


Gratitude to those who generously contributed to our 2018 Lighting Project

Heartfelt thanks to:

Victoria Regan

Giles Weaver

Alasdair Morrison

Paul Walbaum

Rosanna Gaio

Denise Walbaum

Mabel Maculet

Juan Yarur

Peter Lynch

John Read

Eduardo Reitz