All worship services
Pentecost Sunday – May 20, 2018
See our Programme for Pentecost Sunday (down below) which we will celebrate on May 20th, 2018 as of 12.30 pm.
You are all cordially invited to attend!
Trinity Sunday – May 27, 2018
On Sunday, May 27, 2018, we will celebrate Trinity Sunday, within the context of National Patrimonial Day.
The programme includes a brief cantata, the Holy Scriptures, and the Holy Supper, starting at 12.30 pm.
You are all very welcome we will be expecting you!
Tongues like Fire – May 20, 26 and 27, 2018
This month, May, we celebrate our anniversary with varied activities and worship. Revise our Programme down below, for the 20th, 26 and 27th of May, 2018
You are all cordially invited!