
Worship on main religious dates at Saint Paul´s Cathedral

Saint Paul´s Cathedral offers worship services on the following main religious dates: Easter Sunday, Pentecost, Trinity, Advent, and Christmas, and on special occasions that will be announced previously.   “Música en las Alturas” (Music on High), organ concerts offered  every Sunday at 12.30 hrs, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, free admission.  Address: Calle Pilcomayo 566, Cerro Concepción, Valparaíso – See location map – email: saintpaulchurchvalpo@gmail.com.

Worship, all year round, in English.

You are welcome to attend weekly worship at our sister church, Saint Peter´s Anglican Church,  located in Viña del Mar. Services are officiated by the Rt. Rev.  Samuel Morrison every Sunday at 11  am Address: Calle Lastarria 1071, Viña del Mar –  See location map – Telephone +56 32 2570009 – See St. Peter´s Church facebook

Worship, all year round, in Spanish.

The  Iglesia Anglicana San Pedro (San Pedro Anglican Church) located in Viña del Mar, has a weekly worship service, each Sunday at 11.00 am, for those interested in hearing it in the Spanish language. Address: Calle Alvarez Nº 356, Viña del Mar,  See location map – Telephone +56 32 2483657 –  email: contacto@iglesiasanpedro.cl – See Iglesia de San Pedro website